Where we discuss regarding linux, FOSS, Windows Subsystem Linux, and overall anything related to upkeeping your system. There will be different channels for discussing. General will be mostly for simply free software related sharing. 445 total members
1 public admin
saintaquinas Bruno Romuald Aquinas |
36 public members
rscholar Peter J. Mello |
angryant Emil Johansen |
drunkendogcow Drunken Dogcow |
hguo Howard Guo - HZGL |
bako Bako |
fladjdd55 Jean D. DURANDISSE |
How to join freesoftwareInstall KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter "freesoftware" from the teams tab. This is an "open" team, which means the admins will auto-accept any request to join, and you can get in fast. |