Mike Mackenzie
I wear a cochlear implant, completely obsessed with accessibility, I'm a father, and I'm looking to better the web through a11y.
Dunedin, New Zealand
Following (17)
carrotcypher |
fabiancook Fabian Cook |
flamerohr Chris Joe |
jemmyw Jeremy |
hedgemage Susan Sons |
daeken Serafina Brocious |
davebremer Dave Bremer |
thomir Thomi Richards |
dbasch Diego Basch |
maknz Regan McEntyre |
Followers (7)
flamerohr Chris Joe |
jemmyw Jeremy |
fabiancook Fabian Cook |
carrotcypher |
kyhwana Kyhwana |
maknz Regan McEntyre |
phirate Richard Clark |
Browse others (14)
oleksandrguz Alex Guz |
angelasaade Angela |
jecogeo Jefferson Ferreira-Ferreira |
dapperfox Blake Bishop |
fernando_rincon Fernando Rincon |
dkirky99 Douglas Kirk |
jhonn Jhonn Frazão |
wahyudi404 Wahyudi |
rfernandeslw Ryan Fernandes |
dseaton Daniel Seaton |
hakanfilip Håkan-Filip Swahn |
ianbeckles_qz Ian Beckles |
incogcryptno CryptoGrapher |