Laurie Voss
COO of npm, Inc. I have no idea what I'm doing.
San Francisco, CA
Following (36)
ljon Jon Lamendola |
aearly Alex Early |
rockbot Raquel Vélez |
thams Kurt Thams |
nexxy Emily Rose |
iarna Rebecca Turner |
richlitt Richard Littauer |
jefflembeck Jeffrey Lembeck |
soldair Ryan Day |
s_m_i stacy-marie ishmael |
Followers (308)
jerdog Jeremy Meiss |
u7j2x0h ... at this point it's an IQ Test |
jeremiahlee Jeremiah Lee |
jupadr Julian Dreier |
dgod |
owenblacker Owen Blacker |
knitcodemonkey Jen Luker |
dmcmorrow Daniel McMorrow |
mhb Morgan Harold Bauer |