Maria Luiza Iennaco
Philosopher trying to correlate Predictive Processing with Illusionist theories of consciousness.
Following (13)
bazookamanph Dave Douglass |
bayesianboy |
pionmedvedeva Pion Medvedeva |
francesko František Kalvas |
activeinference Active Inference |
bleuknight V. Bleu Knight |
scott_david Scott David |
stephensillett Floydie-woof |
ceremona Cere Davis |
serval |
Followers (11)
voltamachine Ghost In The Machine |
rigby369 |
pionmedvedeva Pion Medvedeva |
ceremona Cere Davis |
bazookamanph Dave Douglass |
serval |
francesko František Kalvas |
stephensillett Floydie-woof |
distantx Alex Vyatkin |
bleuknight V. Bleu Knight |
Browse others (15)
michaelmior Michael Joseph Mior |
msvalina Marijan Svalina |
tlhunter Thomas Hunter II |
sseetharaman Sridhar M Seetharaman |
qw4rtz Amelia |
maxine_fay Jude Harrison |
vookimedlo Michal Duda |
galadhur Sergio Galadhur |
raphaelrullan Raphael Rullan |
mcouat Brett McOuat |
buttersauce Señor manteca |
kreddy Kailash K |
yashugupta Yashu Gupta |
samma Torgeir Lien |