Jacob Kaplan-Moss
I’m a core contributor to Django. I work at Heroku as Director of Security.
Lawrence, KS
Following (11)
freakboy3742 Russell Keith-Magee |
roguelynn Lynn Root |
nedbat Ned Batchelder |
paulsmith Paul Smith |
issackelly Issac Kelly |
dgouldin David Gouldin |
rcrowley Richard Crowley |
jezdez Jannis Leidel |
dreid David Reid |
tmc Travis Cline |
Followers (284)
benspaulding Ben Spaulding |
lunderville Rubie Muriel Lunderville |
sweemeng ng swee meng |
shacker Scot Hacker |
ergo14 Marcin |
newmaniese Michael Newman |
isaacs Isaac Z. Schlueter |
jtuzp Jacob Tuz Poot |
konklone Eric Mill |
Browse others (12)
dmitriim Dmitrii Malinovskii |
mrmag00 oscar rene martinez |
steveo Steve Olshansky |
rdardis Ryan Dardis |
jbz J.B. Zimmerman |
mulby Gabe Mulley |
rantinarkansan Jacques de Molay |
bakulcilok Bakul Cilok |