Steven Paul Leiva
I am a Software Developer based in the NYC area. I have a professional background in finance and economics, as well as an MBA degree from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
New York City
Following (19)
zombiezen Roxy Light |
twisol Jonathan Castello |
marcelbuesing Marcel Buesing |
wbronitsky Will Bronitsky |
jhb563 |
jez_ Jake Zimmerman |
azeria Azeria |
dillonh Dillon Hafer |
mattpolito Matt Polito |
hashrocketeer Hashrocket |
Followers (10)
graymuyi |
grinfast Robert Pieprzny |
wbronitsky Will Bronitsky |
mattpolito Matt Polito |
hashrocketeer Hashrocket |
dragosnasty Dragos Nastase |
agischaumk Marx Sheeran |
dees Brandon Dees |
preimers Patrick Reimers |
Browse others (15)
marvinetha Carli O'Hara |
ph Paul Hammond |
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ebaridtog ebaristo jose |
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