Ricardo Melo
CTO of DRI, crazy about matching technology and challenges. Traveller and proud dad to a little princess.
Followers (7)
essi05 Wiljami Rahka |
lnaia Luis Naia |
arturmartins Artur Martins |
filipematossilva Filipe Silva |
devuo Diogo Correia |
gordalina Samuel Gordalina |
dcsg Daniel Gomes |
Browse others (15)
mattiazago Mattia Zago |
thydoan Thy Doan |
bilaliftikhar Bilal Iftikhar |
benley Benjamin Staffin |
sockpuppet Durito |
stephg Steph Gorman |
yoanmiche Yoan Miche |
chancelorshaheen Chancelor Shaheen |
virtuous_sloth Bruce Elrick |
benigno Benigno Gutiérrez |