Peter Pinch
Associate Director of Engineering at MIT Office of Digital Learning (OpenCourseWare and MITx). Father of twins.
Boston, MA
Following (46)
feoh Christopher Patti |
pt2302 |
aliraza_abbasi Ali Raza Abbasi |
asadali145 Asad Ali |
collinpreston |
abeglova |
jkachelmit James Kachel |
aliceriot Alice Riot |
renaissancedev Tobias Macey |
arslanashraf Arslan Ashraf |
Followers (44)
feoh Christopher Patti |
aliraza_abbasi Ali Raza Abbasi |
asadali145 Asad Ali |
venkatprasad DGOD |
jkachelmit James Kachel |
mdavidson Michael Davidson |
mathieujobin Mathieu Jobin |
arslanashraf Arslan Ashraf |
hamzafarooq Hamza Farooq |
msegado Martin Segado |
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