Nick Barrett
Former Data Analyst. Now in Information Technology and Cybersecurity. Build LEGO and watch movies with my kids.
Minnesota, USA
Following (155)
frankbarrett Frank Barrett |
max Max Krohn |
chris Chris Coyne |
karlnoelle Karl Noelle |
hig Higinio Ochoa |
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
grahamcluley Graham Cluley |
davemicko Dave Micko |
cryptosmith Rick Smith |
spacedrop_bot Spacedrop Status Bot |
Followers (67)
frankbarrett Frank Barrett |
shanshanlove shan |
bancocentral |
gokg4 |
george_kissinger George Kissinger Adem |
seandiggity Sean O'Brien |
brickbot Brick Bot |
alexjarvis88 John Jarvis |
umsplaya UMSPlaya |
eddd Ed Dorsey |
Browse others (15)
vpyy Veronica Yeung |
jroberts837 Jeffrey Roberts |
woodscommaelle WOODSCOMMAELLE |
remcof Remco Fugers |
chaoi Chio hakase |
babynerd Nafeesah musa |
benp Ben |
tatiana_2604 Tatiana Marie |
kbracher Karen Bracher |
sparskakyl sparskakyl |
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