Matthew Dippel
Senior Developer at Virtual Advantage (Scout) remotely in Detroit using C# (.NET Core), TypeScript, Azure (with a *lot* of Azure AD B2C) and just about anything openSUSE Linux.
This is my personal space and does not reflect the views of my employer.
Detroit, MI
Following (18)
chris Chris Coyne |
gcannon Garrett Cannon |
jdoleary Jordan O'Leary |
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eastdakota Matthew Prince |
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jcowell4 |
kanagcdm Kanagasubramanian |
natelaclaire Nate LaClaire |
Followers (11)
crdcoin7258 UniverseCreditcoin |
baelum bobo prat |
lordpack Lord Pack |
alaurain Anthony Laurain |
jcowell4 |
kanagcdm Kanagasubramanian |
natelaclaire Nate LaClaire |
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