James Stoddard
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.
Following (8)
vern_roberts Vern Roberts |
mcopeland21 Matt Copeland |
dneil Dan Neil |
yancan Paul |
mrosseau Maria |
jesterorb John Rodenburg |
martintfb Martin Jennings-Teats |
alodato Avery Lodato |
Followers (3)
gjain97 Ghazal Jain |
matt_mcmanus Matt McManus |
loustud Lou Studdert |
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bettinag Bettina Geoffroy |
evench81 Samuel Lane |
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henrymoonz5x Henry |
jbrossmanntieto Jiri Brossmann |
charles011 Charlie |
merleholthaus Merle Holthaus |
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elya573 Elias |
malinux Martin Schiøtz |