Joe Karlsson
Joe Karlsson is Minneapolis based Software Engineer and international technology speaker/educator. He is the creator of weird software, including which tells you if a movie script passes the Bechdel Test or not.
Minneapolis, MN
Following (9)
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reptar Derek Ahn |
hawaii Ryan Ozawa |
mudphone Kyle Oba |
kawikakekahuna Kawika Kekahuna |
anichale Alexander Anich |
braddahboots Boots |
theremix Jon Borgonia |
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pasumsiba Lavrenteva Berta |
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jaylee185 Jay Lee |
mariocesar M. César Señoranis |
4ondaemon Johnathan Machler |
mlevans Mathew Evans |
williambodin Sylvie Fernandez |
eduardog Eduardo Gomez |