Greg Sharpe
Engineer, working at Nielsen. Interested in all things technology, currently working with Kubernetes, AWS and Terraform
Following (10)
jon_than_ Jonathan Wright |
joelfw |
brucewilliams |
gayashand |
nashira Katherine |
plod Daniel Morgan |
benwright Ben Wright |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
jamaalprimus Jamaal Primus |
06kellyjac |
Followers (10)
benwright Ben Wright |
joelfw |
brucewilliams |
gayashand |
nashira Katherine |
nike_olas |
mattpearcey Matt Pearce |
06kellyjac |
plod Daniel Morgan |
jamaalprimus Jamaal Primus |
Browse others (14)
major Sven Reissmann |
dannychain DannyChain |
mrmakeit Blixa Morgan |
alpipego Alex Goller |
execeratics Execeratics |
lordalvonz Andreas |
talieb3 Talie B |
vr6chic35 Tiffany |
maxmeyers Max Meyers |
ilnur Ilnur Nasyrov |
chriskacerguis Chris Kacerguis |