Erik Frederiksen
Co-Founder && CTO @ Andgo / Engineer / Programmer / Viking / Fig Newtons & Fig Newton Accessories
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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Following (14)
phk Poul-Henning Kamp |
ert485 Erik Tetland |
tim_austin Tim Austin |
willtopping William Topping |
terhands Teresa Hume |
slynch Sean Lynch |
bcrypt Yan |
lattera Shawn Webb |
bigendiansmalls Bigendian Smalls |
dmosher David Mosher |
Followers (6)
ert485 Erik Tetland |
tim_austin Tim Austin |
benniereis Bennie Reis |
terhands Teresa Hume |
willtopping William Topping |
tonyarkles Tony Arkles |
Browse others (15)
kerazysteve Steve the Kerazy |
paulmartinanthem Paul Martin |
douglaswross Douglas |
mjallday Marshall Jones |
stakrspace |
laurenceph2 Laurence Lumagbas |
mkontogiannis Michael Kontogiannis |
rwx rwx |
gpatel Gaurav |
tchutch Tyler Hutcherson |