Docs > The API >


All API responses are JSON. Every response includes a status object and a csrf_token string.


The simplest possible response is:

  "status": {
    "code": 0
  "csrf_token": "lgHZIDFjZmY0Nzlj..."

As you can guess, a status of 0 is success. Yeehah!


Extra info accompanies error codes. If an input is missing or formatted incorrectly, you'll get a generic "INPUT_ERROR" or "MISSING_PARAMETER", with a fields dictionary, describing all the errors.

  "status": {
    "name":    "INPUT_ERROR",
    "code":    100,
    "desc":    "missing or invalid input",
    "fields": {
      "email": "invalid email address"
  "csrf_token": "lgHZIDRlMjJjN..."

If the fields are good, but there's a logical error, expect a custom error code. The API documentation will show which ones to expect for each call.

  "status": {
    "code":   701,
    "desc":   "username taken",
    "fields": [ "username" ]
  "csrf_token": "lgHZIDFjZmY0Nzlj..."