Matteo Beccaro
Matteo Beccaro ( aka bughardy ) is a young security researcher, focused on telecommunication and wireless security.
He has been invited to several international conferences, like DEFCON21, BlackHat US Arsenal, 30C3, for his research in NFC field.
Following (7)
smaury Abdel Adim smaury Oisfi |
gtank George Tankersley |
alaincarlucci Alain Carlucci |
raistlin Stefano Zanero |
maxisoler Maximiliano Soler |
mikispag Michele Spagnuolo |
filippo Filippo Valsorda |
Followers (13)
guly |
malinoisk9 |
jony5 |
voidsec Paolo Stagno (VoidSec) |
holaasdfasdfasdf Ei |
f_roncari Filippo Roncari |
jjperezaguinaga Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga |
smaury Abdel Adim smaury Oisfi |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
alaincarlucci Alain Carlucci |
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hans_polis Hans |
tomasz5 tomasz |
abislew Anthony Bislew |
kcarmona_psmt Karen Carmona |
victorferntd Victor Fernandes |
mozur Stuart Taft |
patti_singer Patti Singer |
woodjom John Wood |
grantpotter Grant Potter |