sye on defunct kuro5hin, aka K5, badvogato on defunct advogato ( Raph L.'s Trust Matrix mod_virgule) 1999 - 2015 &
Following (23)
mikecoles Mike Coles |
ryan_singer Ryan Singer |
citystatesdamian Actually Abe |
comsec Adrián Lamo |
allthingsgo AllThingsGO |
bitinsane SatoshiN is NOT Wright |
dxb Samn |
advogato S.Ye is the name Satoshi The game |
tompox |
remaker Phillip Remaker |
Followers (11)
bigbearyp |
tompox |
bobbyprice Robert C. Price |
adurotinii adoti |
eoscochain EOS CoChain |
gureee |
lucky225 Lucky225 |
bitinsane SatoshiN is NOT Wright |
citystatesdamian Actually Abe |
yahoonews Advogato - SYE-TRICTTR |
Browse others (14)
logiciellibre Logiciel Libre |
pacman Tiago Peczenyj |
elanasafar Elana Safar |
lgarciaog Luis García |
mirandaadofaci Miranda |
mathisenalva Rowena Hughes |