Alex Fisher
Into Ethereum, New Space (rockets, not real estate), and investing. Founded Michigan Ethereum Meetup.
***KeybaseIO has fake accounts impersonating me asking people for crypto-- do not send me or anyone your crypto.***
Michigan, USA
Following (28)
kevinvitale |
prestonvanloon Preston Van Loon |
joevanloon Joe Van Loon |
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reneil1337 Rene Schmidt |
nathanhogge |
fembot |
nikolai Nikolai Mushegian |
natet313 Nate Talbot |
lawrencesystems Thomas Lawrence |
Followers (50)
prestonvanloon Preston Van Loon |
kevinvitale |
montalbano Anthony Montalbano |
alanwunsche Alan Wunsche |
monan Mike Monan |
triteanderivativ alex matkin |
knotmegan |
maresova39 |
freitagannero1 Hermann-Josef Jordan |
reinerfritz Irina Brunner |
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