Yelva Espinoza
Miami native, globetrotter & Product Manager at Zumba Fitness' Home Office. Eager to learn about effective technology product management strategies, UI/UX fundamentals and network with others in the field.
Miami, FL
Following (12)
kylerberry Kyler Berry |
aginzburg Art Ginzburg |
eelfy Danila Zainchkovsky |
ctrlrsf Rene Fragoso |
chantellmarie |
akzumba |
dmeybohm David Meybohm |
ecabral Elaine Castro |
bgarbarz Brian Garbarz |
dmats |
Followers (5)
ecabral Elaine Castro |
chantellmarie |
akzumba |
webkod3r Pablo Molina |
dmeybohm David Meybohm |
Browse others (14)
carelhiguru Carel de Waal |
jnesz Juan Eiros Zamora |
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