i believe very strongly in decentralization, both in technology and politics. i am a syndicalist and p2p researcher. i build robust applications and beautiful user interfaces.
Followers (13)
opal opal hart |
dgtrzo |
brokenbotnet rE-Bo0t.bx1 |
jairsantosdeso6 jair santos de souza |
robert_best Robert Best |
fabianhjr Fabián Heredia Montiel |
xerz Francisco Gómez |
stellarzac Zac |
matilde Matilde Park |
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demiahdeguise Holton Chole |
jknox Jordan Knox |
dontealba Donte Alba |
mengland Michelle England |
mcpeepants MC Pee Pants |
jlittle Joe Little |
camdygates Camdy Richard Gates |
ingmarvandijk Ingmar van Dijk |