Vincent Bockaert
A wise kid once asked:
"Ohn ye Great Sages of Old, why do we work?"
The great sages of years ago:
"To play around with prod db's and sweat bullets"
- Leviticus 15-16, Psalm 420, the Spaghetti Monster's Holy Bible
Earth, Milkyway Galaxy
Following (44)
thaoluong Thao Luong |
victorvanhooren Victor Vanhooren |
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votanphuc Vo Tan Phuc |
phung_nguyen Phung Nguyen |
aunguyen Au Nguyen |
pinozerg Przemysław Piechocki |
wietsebas Wietse Bas |
xxeonkeybase Edwin |
tien_nguyen |
Followers (22)
thaoluong Thao Luong |
victorvanhooren Victor Vanhooren |
kevindut Kevin Duterne |
trunghieule Hieu Le |
tien_nguyen |
narci Narcisa Diaconescu |
victorvanh Victor Vanhooren |
gabrielbalint84 Gabriel Balint |
aunguyen Au Nguyen |
oneacsu Octavian Neacsu |
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yuliiaosadcha Yuliia Osadcha |
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