Christopher Morrow
15+ years experience of trying to get computers to do my work for me so I don't have to.
Washington, DC
Following (8)
adw |
marmarek Marek Marczykowski-Górecki |
briankrebs |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
soupyowl Stephen |
fallenpegasus Mark Atwood |
nathanwilcox |
esr Eric S. Raymond |
Followers (6)
drscholl Derrick Scholl |
anastassis54 |
hhariss |
davidlewis Ian Grant |
soupyowl Stephen |
fallenpegasus Mark Atwood |
Browse others (14)
divoxx Rodrigo Kochenburger |
recursive_owl Seth L |
angelina Angelina Fabbro |
jcurrency MuohJesse |
necrophonic John Gregory |
gpd Gregory Damiani |
robmarshall Robert Marshall |
rekkkt Crypto Rekkkt |
guxegdsa Samuel Guxegdsa |
ifetayo ife tayo |
emaleemcnally Emalee McNally |
matiasjsaarinen Matias Saarinen |