Thor Magnusson
A worker in rhythm, frequencies and intensities. Research and development in the areas of music and technology.
Brighton, UK
Following (1)
chriskiefer Chris Kiefer |
Followers (9)
sai_soum Sai Soumya V |
toychicken Leigh Garland |
stephendwolff Stephen Wolff |
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tsonus Tim Gagen |
ff4500 NfN Orange |
krgn Karsten Gebbert |
davidberry David M. Berry |
rasmusvuori Rasmus Vuori |
Browse others (15)
lucallegri Luca Allegri |
jackslash Joel Parsons |
glottis Sindri Kristinsson |
xbony2 Eric Schneider |
lauracabre Laura Cabre |
neilmpatterson Neil Patterson |
ggeldenhuis Gerrard Geldenhuis |
fgalarza Francisco Galarza |
promofarma PromoFarma |