To discuss tech issues for PTV GEM members on Keybase and on 405 total members
0 public admins
This team has no admins who wish to be public.
7 public members
andrea_2530 andrea_2530 |
clif_2420 Clifford Lance, House of Mowreader |
laura_002671 Laura Walker |
pieter_2964 Pieter |
shawna_03130 Shawna McGinn |
emilija_03173 Emilija Lončarić |
How to join gemstone.tech_issuesInstall KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter "gemstone.tech_issues" from the teams tab. If the admins believe you belong in the team, they will sign you into it. Or, if you personally know the admins, you can ask them to add you. |