馃敽Divisi贸n Boogaloo Argentina馃敾 馃敽 No aceptamos totalitarios ni autoritarios, si lo sos te vas kickeado 馃敽 Comunidad que apoya la defensa de los derechos naturales y la formaci贸n de milicias como forma de garant铆a contra la injusticia y tiran铆a 馃敾Secci贸n General馃敾 128 total members
2 public admins
malganys Malganys |
ancap_renegade_ |
11 public members
galbe |
kivewhiskas KovoWhiskas |
jackeggs Felipe varela |
tyr_gow TYR |
frana27 |
ferrisbuell3r ferrisbuell3r |
How to join boog_argentinaInstall KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter "boog_argentina" from the teams tab. If the admins believe you belong in the team, they will sign you into it. Or, if you personally know the admins, you can ask them to add you. |