James Polley
Developer of systems, code and people
Following (40)
timdawborn Tim Dawborn |
flowblok Peter Ward |
auscompgeek David Vo |
mithro Tim 'mithro' Ansell |
developerjack Jack Skinner |
petertonoli Peter Tonoli |
jpwarren Justin Warren |
posty posty |
i386 |
henare Henare Degan |
Followers (29)
jsbragg John Scott Bragg |
jamesalbert271 James Albert |
aitoris ivans nikolov |
cezilica Cezar Ilica |
nwifo uchenna |
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jasurbek Tegnm2 |
bathuthao1 ba thao |
mattcen Matthew Cengia |
teknetia Chris Watt |
Browse others (15)
zurabweb Zurab |
ochise07 Agare John |
bradpatt Bradlee Patterson |
h0bbit Tim Burrell |
5avage Andrew Boyd |
cleveen Corey Leveen |
lazybene Bene |
dwilkerson Devon Wilkerson |
sbsreekanth Sreekanth Bhatt |
reapl Vereshhagin Aristarh |