Ryonia Coruscare
A random person.
Serenity Prayer (modified): Luna, give me courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.
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New Zealand
Following (17)
dxb Samn |
aurorahharmony Aurorah Harmony |
shinysaphir |
pheneryx Nicole Peerson |
fluffyfang Fluffy Fang |
kbpbot |
nebulaeclipse Johannes |
yoko_bot Yoko Coruscare |
annabelle_bot Annabelle Coruscare |
Followers (15)
kebokyo Kebo Kitanari |
aurorahharmony Aurorah Harmony |
shinysaphir |
pheneryx Nicole Peerson |
fluffyfang Fluffy Fang |
ryodev ryodev |
nebulaeclipse Johannes |
yoko_bot Yoko Coruscare |
annabelle_bot Annabelle Coruscare |
Browse others (14)
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