Russell Smith
Ex-CTO / founder of @rainforestqa. YCS12. Lover of Crystal, Go, and Rallying.
Trying to love Rust, but failing. Begrudging Python user.
Following (224)
z64 Zac Nowicki |
pikhteryev Anton Pikhteryev |
amerine Mark Turner |
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kirill Kirill Zubovsky |
maciejgryka Maciej Gryka |
skanderm Skander Mzali |
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iehuynh |
shosti Emanuel Evans |
Followers (125)
linderrose |
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kermaylen Kermaylen Dascherttzy Gummer |
micoolchance Sunny Chan |
amerine Mark Turner |
tomsilv Tomas Silveira |
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chaokgavvelafa Kirilova Ada |
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muffins222221 Brandon Kurtz |
anthonylv Anthony Lopez-Vito |
santosh Santosh Ananthakrishnan |