Roelant Kooij
IT Projectmanager with an above average interest for internet ethics, laws, privacy and gadgets that make life easy. Former, currently working as risk manager and DPO for Independer. Professionally paranoid.
Hilversum, The Netherlands
Following (6)
robiii Rob Janssen |
danielverlaan Daniël Verlaan |
hoekzema Kees Hoekzema |
hrak Hans Rakers |
arnoudwokke Arnoud Wokke |
schellevis Joost Schellevis |
Followers (5)
thavies Scott Metcalfe |
robiii Rob Janssen |
idisposable Marc Brooks |
hoekzema Kees Hoekzema |
schellevis Joost Schellevis |
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tommih Tommi Haapaniemi |
wmodzelew Weston |
tlacacool Tlaca Rodriguez |