Richard Poole
Software architect and engineer. Sometimes solver of problems.
Bournemouth, UK
Following (11)
strideynet Noah Stride |
saganic chris saganic |
dexturr Dexter Edwards |
andrewsturmey |
cudoluke Luke Gniwecki |
dr_woody |
joewhite Joe White |
jvngle Sean |
peterwillis Peter Willis |
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
Followers (8)
peterwillis Peter Willis |
saganic chris saganic |
izumogambo |
danirawrrrr725 Daniel Blake Griffin-Ritter |
malnar |
cudoluke Luke Gniwecki |
dexturr Dexter Edwards |
strideynet Noah Stride |
Browse others (14)
martins Martin Pompéry |
igor26 Igor Merezhko |
xonecas Sean |
adamjhill Adam Hill |
faustiandilemma Faust |
byronmurgatroyd Byron Murgatroyd |
sweathaamarnath sweatha amarnath |
jeandavi Jean Davi Cabral |
madihughes Madi Hughes |
wmardini Waseem Mardini |
pwilkins Peter Wilkins |