Rui Carvalho
I build things and love helping others to create value from software. I'm a software craftsman mostly skilled on .Net and web stuff. I love and contribute to open source and to communities, I run the Alt.Net group and NCrafts Conference in paris
Following (7)
vbfox Julien Roncaglia |
migueldeicaza Miguel de Icaza |
remysharp Remy Sharp |
mathiasverraes Mathias Verraes |
sbellware Scott Bellware |
fredy Fredy Fadel |
horsdal Christian Horsdal |
Followers (12)
ronnix Ronan Amicel |
taborda Hugo Taborda |
notarianni Bernard Notarianni |
bodysplash Jean-Baptiste Dusseaut |
duckmole Fabrice Nourisson |
claudiutomescu Claudiu Tomescu |
adamralph Adam Ralph |
pirrmann Pierre Irrmann |
philippeantoine Philippe Antoine |
vbfox Julien Roncaglia |
Browse others (14)
zachriggle Zach Riggle |
nkahr Nina |
trivera_comcast Tyler Rivera |
bobbyxhase charlotte alvarez |
schoolonion Onion |
theakmiiz ThrAkmiiz |
johankarlsson Johan Karlsson |
saelo Samuel Groß |
oinkspook Caspar Nijhuis |
artemius92 Artyom Kolesnik |