Sebastian Marek
Software Engineer/Architect, CodeClub leader and Speaker interested in process automation, continuous integration and high quality code. Deeply loved in medieval times, knights and castles.
Sheffield, UK
Following (10)
mikesimons Mike Simons |
natmchugh Nathaniel McHugh |
rickogden Rick Ogden |
ircmaxell Anthony Ferrara |
akrabat Rob Allen |
rdohms Rafael Dohms |
blongden Ben Longden |
phpcodemonkey Jeremy Coates |
zytron Bill Hau |
stubbs Stuart Grimshaw |
Followers (19)
hongistoouti Anne Malmi |
sibyldoug1988 Harley Lewis |
kat8402 Jasmine Chapman |
khayrattee Wasseem Khayrattee |
cheeryfella Ian Wood |
matipl |
shochdoerfer Stephan Hochdörfer |
falkowata Katarzyna Stawarz |
debo Marco Debo De Bortoli |
Browse others (15)
erickrmz Erick Ramirez |
iraboudway Ira Boudway |
mihai2u Crantea Mike |
intercoder Dante Solis |
poppy2019 Andy Feltersnatch |
nganha Tiffany Hoang |
tadbrelaz Thomas de Brelaz |
henriquechehad Henrique |
ayu Kayla |
dmelvin David Melvin |