Philipp Paulweber
Industrial Researcher and VPE at fiskaly GmbH (fiskaly.com), Creator of CASM (casm-lang.org), Tec Sidemount Diver at Lepia (lepiadive.com), and Icehockey Player #87 at WEV (wevlions.com).
Vienna, Austria
Following (14)
nikitakholodnyi |
hmihaylov |
chrishoch Christoph Hochrainer |
farg |
schuetzenhoeferh Hermann Schützenhöfer |
fend0r Patrick |
bhuber |
moosbruggerj |
lewu |
casmlang CASM |
Followers (11)
hmihaylov |
nikitakholodnyi |
chrishoch Christoph Hochrainer |
farg |
schuetzenhoeferh Hermann Schützenhöfer |
moosbruggerj |
lewu |
emmanuel099 Emmanuel Pescosta |
nobody0 |
lumio Benjamin Falk |
Browse others (14)
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