Phalan Granthier
Eager seeker of knowledge gems. Ready to lend a hand to those doing the heavy lifting of progressive world changing. Interest include Communications, justice & equality, open source, UX, Philosophy, empathy, decentralization, wide smiles & food.
Brooklyn, New York
Following (18)
aidenlol |
ivanthinking Ivan Thinking |
orishim Ori Shimony |
erangell Eric Rangell |
ewy Ewan |
stacey_druss Stacey Druss |
joshuabridge Joshua Bridge |
robert_best Robert Best |
phoresced Naomi Joy Smith |
Followers (20)
peterkaminski Peter Kaminski |
fiatluxnyc |
lusero |
samhahn Sam Hahn |
aidenlol |
orishim Ori Shimony |
jrumaj |
rangermauve Mauve |
dilgreen Dil Green |
zhiirobunonvez Paseveva Rozaliya |
Browse others (14)
dwynne Damian Wynne |
yozel Yasin Özel |
lvauthrin Laurent Vauthrin |
jamshed Jamshed Vesuna |
codegibs Jamie Van Der Heide |
jramer Jeff Ramer |
tristola Toni Ristola |
jonathankrall Jonathan Krall |
salessandri Santiago Alessandri |
jgrunz Josh Grunzweig |
armando19 Armando Spiropali |
neilmenne Neil Menne |
karenhsu Karen Hsu |