Paul Berland
I grew up on the North Side of Chicago. I made some art under the name Astral Prune. In 2003 I moved to Elgin. In 2013 I had an unusual experience that pushed me to become more active. By 2014 I was a full-fledged environmental activist.
Chicago and Elgin
Following (12)
larix Hillary Geller |
sunflowerdiva |
trost Josh |
michellehart Michelle Hartney |
ellenmcmanus Ellen McManus |
mulish ajc |
jenny_sais_quoi Jenny Kendler |
marisamystics |
justin4justice Justin G |
ivychi Ivy |
Browse others (15)
lizmoblubuckeye lizmo blue |
aconwaykynd Alex Conway |
ohnoapirate Jeff Sell |
mbuchel Michael Buchel |
annatalerico Anna Talerico |
yogthos Dmitri Sotnikov |
maggiemayhem Maggie Mayhem |
duub duub qnnp |
emmabradshaw Emma Bradshaw |