Nick Rosier
Nerd, geek, humanist.
Interested in science, technology and other nifty stuff...
Politically independent and extremely sarcastic.
Following (5)
alecmuffett |
webmink Simon Phipps |
gillesgravier Gilles Gravier |
scorchiohan Johan Meynendonckx |
dpramone Dirk Praet |
Followers (3)
gillesgravier Gilles Gravier |
dpramone Dirk Praet |
scorchiohan Johan Meynendonckx |
Browse others (15)
echain Ken Lee |
stacyalme Stacy Alme |
543hn Shane Donahue |
dualfade Christopher M Downs |
book_of_eli444 Elijah_God_of_Anarchy |
eughenio Eughenio Constantino |
cdrev Charlie Revett |
kristinflogdna Kristin Fogt |
ssalugu Shiva Salugu |
rmc1980 ruben |
bspatafora Ben Spatafora |
danianger Angel Daniel Hernandez Mora |