Nikolay Kolev
I live and breathe CloudOps. Provocateur extraordinaire. Opinions are my own. Email nikolay at hey dot com. π§π¬πΊπΈ
Irvine, California, United States
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nikolay and nikolay are the same person, with the same public keys. You can see the proof or close this notice.
Following (99)
npwalker |
reidmv |
brantstuns |
codyvan |
erwindaria01 Erwin Daria |
iampatrickb |
wookets |
danielbru Daniel Brusilovsky |
mathewi Mathew Ingram |
mtodd Matt Todd |
Followers (34)
joshnabbott Joshua Abbott |
tisbasf |
zeisss Stephan Z. |
yavor Yavor Kolev |
jeffpulver Jeff Pulver |
ztreinhart Zachary Reinhart |
liko9 Brian Likosar |
wangxiang Wang Xiang |
webposer Josh King |
stormforgenoah |
Browse others (14)
consalexia Alexia Cons |
caryatid dorothea hackman |
mholle Marcel Holle |
carsontao Carson Tao |
sanpilot Hussain Khalil |
raimund Raimund Jakobsmeyer |
plamenkolev Plamen Kolev |
mssharepoint Shiwaga |
selsayed25 Sami Elsayed |