Michel Rauchs
Researcher at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
Interested in cryptocurrencies & a few other things.
Following (31)
joi Joichi Ito |
delitzer Dan Elitzer |
bitstein Michael Goldstein |
nicolasc Nicolas Christin |
gabridome Gabriele Domenichini |
udiwertheimer Udi Wertheimer |
bford Bryan Ford |
bashco bashco |
martindale Eric Martindale |
whalepanda WhalePanda |
Followers (13)
goon_34 Goon |
gonfva Gonzalo Fernandez-Victorio |
skynode Dexter Valkyrie |
bashco bashco |
bford Bryan Ford |
bradmillscan Brad Mills |
elmalandro Maël Rolland |
russharben Russ Harben |
zlok Yves ฿ennaim 🌿 |
parallelind Parallel Industries |