Drop dead, it doesn't matter, she said
It only hurts when I laugh, she said
Sometimes it's never a crime
To spend the day in bed
Following (9)
gancy |
blackiceracer Blackiceracer |
mrjasbob Jason |
gotissues68 |
endall13 |
whiteghetto |
vangeeky Nerd |
thepirate442 James Flint |
tea_fury Ryan |
Followers (8)
mrjasbob Jason |
gotissues68 |
vangeeky Nerd |
gancy |
whiteghetto |
blackiceracer Blackiceracer |
thepirate442 James Flint |
tea_fury Ryan |
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hillswiftops Tony Hillier-Swift |
ethanleeh Louis Bond |
metamatt Matt Ginzton |
iconnary Iven Connary |
puneetjohal Puneet Johal |
jorgeamaro Jorge Amaro |
christinahoang Christina Hoang |
jahanzaib_ahmed Jahanzaib Ahmed |
bsalarius Ben Salt |
kgorbunov_clgx Kostiantyn Gorbunov |