Damian Menscher
Damian Menscher is responsible for DDoS defense at Google, where he has studied hundreds of attacks over more than a decade. He uses his experience to design automated defenses for common attacks. Damian has a Ph.D. in physics from UIUC.
Bay Area, California, USA
Following (10)
d1rt Mr. Reynolds |
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mikewiacek Mike Wiacek |
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amuse Matt Linton |
timapril Tim April |
Followers (25)
caronni Germano Caronni |
seanmonstar Sean McArthur |
forestmonsen Forest Monsen |
cschaez Charlie Schaezlein |
pixitha Kyle Duren |
kyletsmith Kyle Smith |
noah_kennedy Noah Kennedy |
amuse Matt Linton |
alexforster Alex Forster |
shellcromancer Daniel |
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