Mark Proffitt
Author of Predictive Innovation the 1st Principles method of thinking that enables you to know the unknown to solve the seemingly unsolvable.
Following (18)
ultimape Nicholas 'ultimape' Perry |
rosemary22 |
rosiloubantaculo |
skicentral |
varmaashwin97 |
mattparlmer Matt Parlmer |
tylerehc Tyler |
nickarmstrong Nick Armstrong |
mtc2 Matt Chisholm |
marissafellows Marissa Fellows |
Followers (20)
u7j2x0h ... at this point it's an IQ Test |
rosemary22 |
skicentral |
techstud Jason Clarke |
rosiloubantaculo |
mattparlmer Matt Parlmer |
tylerehc Tyler |
martinbyim |
nickarmstrong Nick Armstrong |
taolsam Shmakov Miloslav |
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liolis13 loaliz maldonado |
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ermr99 Ernesto Miguel Vasquez Rodriguez |
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calinceteras Calin CETERAS |
luckygluck kim gluck |
dantas2205 Kayo Danyllo de Oliveira Dantas |
glowland Larry Sheradon |
moonbeamdreams Freia |
dbk David Brett Kinitsky |
zdeptawa Zachary Deptawa |