Mark Brown
PM for Cosmos DB. Love talking about PACLC theorem.
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markjbrown and markjbrown are the same person, with the same public keys. You can see the proof or close this notice.
Following (18)
jeffreytfritz Jeffrey T. Fritz |
eliw Eli White |
adamculp Adam Culp |
calevans Cal Evans |
davidstrauss David Strauss |
snipe snipe |
elizabethn Elizabeth Naramore Barron |
markstory Mark Story |
preinheimer Paul Reinheimer |
ramsey Ben Ramsey |
Followers (5)
elida Elijah |
ramsey Ben Ramsey |
helgi Helgi Thorbjoernsson |
jeffwilcox Jeff Wilcox |
haacked Phil Haack |
Browse others (13)
barchdesigns Benjamin Barch |
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paterskipawel Paweł Paterski |
kansei Jonathan Brooks |
bursts Bursts |
kimgras Kim E. Grashei |
shainasteelman Shaina Steelman |