Luis Alejandro Martínez Faneyth
I like flat colors and ocasionally make linux distros. People say I'm an Engineer and Full Stack Developer. I wouldn't believe them if I were you.
Maracay, Venezuela
Following (26)
rogs Roger Gonzalez |
schoettler Roberto |
naylin15 Naylin Medina |
sunno Alvaro Marquina |
betacar Carlos Betancourt Carrero |
highercomve Sergio Marin |
styp152 Typson Sanchez |
ghostbar ghostbar |
sadasant Daniel Rodriguez |
iamjinme Jinme |
Followers (23)
godson2 |
alberto28 Alberto Morales |
sosimo36 Sosimo Castro |
vodezchanveshn Karpova Violetta |
marcinek1997 Marcin Michałowski |
diohz0r Domingo Oropeza |
macagua Leonardo J. Caballero G. |
abr4xas ángel cruz |
styp152 Typson Sanchez |
kijijiyeetu rapudo hawi |
Browse others (14)
llocke Lynnsey Locke |
barttenbrinke Bart ten Brinke |
tlalexchilcott Alex Chilcott |
voidposter 76 6f 69 64 |
alinaka Alina Kamińska |
rplevy Robert P. Levy |