Charles Pigott
UoY CS/Maths, @FreeRCT dev, member of @URYComputing and generally inept programmer.
Following (9)
sourceless Laurence Joseph Smith |
wlcx Sam Willcocks |
alanbriolat Alan Briolat |
jiphex James Hannah |
christhebaron Chris Taylor |
brookke Brooke Hatton |
xmob Pete Foster |
gavinatkinson Gavin Atkinson |
46bit Michael Mokrysz |
Followers (12)
alexswilliams Alex Williams |
xmob Pete Foster |
lmoll Luke Moll |
sourceless Laurence Joseph Smith |
samwsmith Sam W Smith |
brookke Brooke Hatton |
christhebaron Chris Taylor |
sgtbigman Nicolas Reed |
webpigeon Joseph Walton-Rivers |
alanbriolat Alan Briolat |
Browse others (15)
jakeheis Jake Heiser |
chriskleeschulte Christopher Kleeschulte |
peterhunt Peter Hunt |
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kevin1970 Kevin Trowbridge |
pco Pieter Ouwerkerk |
thenaturat mfilipek |
eisokant Eiso Kant |
arpi Arpi Mangasaryan |
jjwilliams Justin Williams |
bashirabuamr Bashir Abu-Amr |
hammer Hammer |