Elizabeth Evans
Raging Grannie, member of WILPF, member of Church of Reconciliation,Sanctuary (immigrant) comm., NCSolidarity,Apoyo, Weaver Community Housing Association bd mem, CRC resident
Following (11)
giselaadele virginia |
myraemerson Myra Emerson |
redmaple |
dmnelson5 |
thowlett Tom Howlett |
piperhonigmann Piper Honigmann |
lizbarry liz barry |
marinc Marin C |
allison_z |
wctorrance winston torrance |
Followers (2)
bigbadpupper Patrick |
wctorrance winston torrance |
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maldridge Michael Aldridge |
quist Russell Sutherland |
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kirelagin Kirill Elagin |
stallemanden Torben Stallknecht |
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franc Francois Paul |
khellste Karl Hellstern |