Goryunov Sysoy
Any player who does not know who the fool is in the market is most likely the fool
Following (7)
jdoldren James Holdren |
djacobs24 David Jacobs |
bamapgis Shhulennikova Avdotya |
tfalex Alex Sears |
listba Ben List |
bgpowell_tangram Brian Powell |
tedmiston Taylor D. Edmiston |
Followers (3)
paulapeace paula peace |
aimeestrickland Aimee Strickland |
dominika99 dominika |
Browse others (13)
chimp1984 Pan Troglodytes |
jukkap Jukka Puisto |
chipper Aaron Chipper |
mrison Mark RISON |
hugocoronel Hugo Coronel |
annao Anna Olsson |
cslaurie Carter Laurie |
chrisboyle Chris Boyle |