Goryunov Sysoy
Any player who does not know who the fool is in the market is most likely the fool
Following (7)
jdoldren James Holdren |
djacobs24 David Jacobs |
bamapgis Shhulennikova Avdotya |
tfalex Alex Sears |
listba Ben List |
bgpowell_tangram Brian Powell |
tedmiston Taylor D. Edmiston |
Followers (3)
paulapeace paula peace |
aimeestrickland Aimee Strickland |
dominika99 dominika |
Browse others (14)
lhayne6233 Lyngie Alforque |
supra3 supra3 |
dc995 David Crawford |
jrosspaperless Josh Ross |
trann3l Lennart Gustafsson |
marcinek1997 Marcin Michałowski |
hamclock Hamclock |
nineparabellum NineParabellum |
giuseppeborgese Giuseppe Borgese |
adamtobolski Adam |
gerardbergsma Gerard Bergsma |
itamarhaber Itamar Haber |