James Holdren
Developer @ebth, Kubernetes is the only thing that ever mattered
Cincinnati, OH
Following (9)
benvonhandorf Ben Von Handorf |
bentoncl Chris Benton |
beh4 |
djacobs24 David Jacobs |
tfalex Alex Sears |
tedmiston Taylor D. Edmiston |
tonytrucco Tony Trucco |
bgpowell_tangram Brian Powell |
weisjohn John Weis |
Followers (13)
bentoncl Chris Benton |
vimdiesel Jacob Millner |
listba Ben List |
richealsandra Richeal Sandra |
labankalsaszas Goryunov Sysoy |
myriamwffailey Myriam Failey |
bamapgis Shhulennikova Avdotya |
tfalex Alex Sears |
tonytrucco Tony Trucco |
djacobs24 David Jacobs |
Browse others (15)
mwo42 Marek Worreschk |
brianlynch Brian Lynch |
narcisy Narcis Yousefi |
sbeloved Sheryl Beloved |
coderhoades Jeremy Rhoades |
jcosta João Costa |
karenjen Karen Jen |