Keith Gaddis
Developer, software architect, startup advisor
Austin, TX
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karmajunkie and karmajunkie are the same person, with the same public keys. You can see the proof or close this notice.
Following (22)
cwisecarver Christopher Wisecarver |
icereval Michael Haselton |
ahlatimer Andrew Latimer |
lukehowelldev Luke Howell |
twmills Theo Mills |
nz |
jen20 James Nugent |
gaffneyc Chris Gaffney |
collectiveidea Collective Idea |
bryckbost Brian Ryckbost |
Followers (19)
hermanrogers Herman Rogers |
rfaddis Ray Faddis |
icereval Michael Haselton |
kryptopam Pam Fredrick |
brianmanden Brian Juul Andersen |
cwisecarver Christopher Wisecarver |
inadequatenet William O. Pate II |
bbwharris Brandon Harris |
ncancelliere Nicholas Cancelliere |
jcjnet John Jones |