Jeff Rossel
Electrochemical test engineer
Silicon Valley
Following (21)
shossain SHossain |
herbison Ryan Herbison |
stanhamil Stan Hamil |
fluffypuppy Chris |
hyperborean1 One Of The Guys |
grewalsatinder Satinder Grewal |
yassinnxt YassinKomodo |
farl4web Peter Farla |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
badasssx Iam BadAss |
Followers (9)
farl4web Peter Farla |
metaphilibert Philippe MARTIN |
shossain SHossain |
grewalsatinder Satinder Grewal |
fluffypuppy Chris |
titomane Tito mane |
jeezy Jeezy |
noashh noashh |
kolo Mihail «Kolo» Fedorov |
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senedlavam Golubczov Aglaiy |
marcomolina Marco Molina |
vonos6 Saavedra Huliya |
rfunduk Ryan Funduk |
houdini84 Richard |
alexloc Alexey Loktev |
jasoncochran Jason Cochran |