Jared Luxenberg
I code, photograph, and jump out of planes. I like to build things.
Currently at Nest/Google
San Francisco
Following (3)
nbrosnahan Nick Brosnahan |
dantasse Dan Tasse |
bryanculbertson Bryan Culbertson |
Followers (11)
slyphon Jonathan Simms |
towynlin Zachary Crockett |
lyrrad John Darryl Pelingo |
bfd B.F. Dimmick |
yincrash Michael Yin |
nbrosnahan Nick Brosnahan |
tessmyers |
aarongable Aaron Gable |
dantasse Dan Tasse |
kousha Kousha Najafi |
Browse others (15)
c18y Christophe |
adele Adele Dewey-Lopez |
furiyuri Steven Hess |
deuchnord Jérôme Deuchnord |
gregthescientist Gregor Matl |
jjediny John Jediny |
ae35 David |
davidcuadrado David Cuadrado |
willbridge21 Will Madden |